Saturday, February 18, 2012

1978 Chrysler Sigma SE

Here is my pride and joy: my 1978 Chrysler Sigma SE. Yes it is still a valid entry as long as it still falls into the rules of the game. This car is actually a first generation Mitsubishi Galant Sigma built under license by Chrysler in Australia. Then in 1981, Mitsubishi bought the Chrysler car factory and kept making the Sigma under it's own Mitsubishi brand name.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

1982 Mitsubishi Colt

Here is the second car I've spotted so far this year: a 1982 Mitsubishi Colt (aka Mirage). So far it looks like all the cars I've been spotting are japanese!

This second generation Mitsubishi Colt was made from 1978 all the way up to 1990 in some contries. The model I spotted is a 1982. Note also the aftermarket external sun-visor!

Monday, February 13, 2012

My first spotted car: 1970-74 Toyota Corolla

Well it took a while to spot my first classic car but here it is: a 1970-74 E20 Toyota Corolla!

I have spotted other cool classic cars but none of them qualifyed by the rules, most of them were parked on driveways or at dealerships!